City Shelf

A conversation about how Christ-followers can help their cities flourish as God intended.

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Causes & Communities | Episode 32

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Ross and Jonathan highlight centered sets that have formed around causes and communities in Evansville.

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Ross and Jonathan explore some practical tips for identifying what to work together on, as well as some commitments to make in the process.

Tuesday May 14, 2019

Ross and Jonathan discuss how a centered set framework can allow people with very different beliefs and perspectives to work toward a common goal.

Monday May 06, 2019

Ross and Jonathan begin a conversation about collaboration.

Monday Apr 15, 2019

In addition to the neighbors we come into contact with on a regular basis, we're also called to seek out and love those in need of a neighbor.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019

We often think of Jesus' command to love our neighbors as a command to help those in need, but what about the neighbors who live around us?

Monday Apr 01, 2019

Ross and Jonathan begin a conversation about the simple, powerful social justice strategy every Christian is called to.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019

What if we thought of our work as a way of loving and serving others?

Monday Mar 18, 2019

How can your work redeem what is broken in the world? And how might Church leaders inspire redemptive imagination?

Monday Mar 11, 2019

The biblical narrative presents work as a significant part of who we are as human beings and what God is doing in the world, so why don't we always see it that way?

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